Monday, May 26, 2008

Free and open source world

I wonder at those people who ask what is free in this devilish world. Here is the answer- FOSS :)
FOSS stands for Free and open Source Softwares. I came across FOSS community in june 2007 when i first worked on Linux. It was an exhilarating experience. First time I felt that I am working on an operating system which doesn't have a tag of "pirated". Since then I have been a great fan and user of FOSS tools and distributions. If you want to know what you can get from FOSS, then have a look at sourceforge. Some people argue that FOSS tools are inferior to closed and paid softwares, which is rarely true. In most of the cases, you will find FOSS tools to have greater flexibility and customization. After all, the "free and open source" words are enough to defeat any closed and paid softwares. I will continue to be a FOSS user and will promote it always. Thumbs up for FOSS.
Imagine a world where everything becomes free and open source.

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